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  • Rich Araujo

"Smile/Tear"- A short clip

Not too long ago, I came across one my boxes that was filled with old, unlabeled CDs.

I realized immediately what they were. They were all rough sketches (or mixes, since I'm talking sonically) of various songs I had written back when I had my studio.

One of my (many, many) problems was that I was constantly creating CDs, and although there was a Sharpie that was right there, I never bothered to label them. So, I'm grabbing each CD and placing them in my laptop to hear what each one of them may be.

This one CD had a song I had written about 9 years ago. In light of my current status, one might make the assumption that this song is about someone in particular. Although I care for her greatly and will always have love for her, this song was written long before we even considered parting ways, so it's not about her. The truth is, I'm not sure for whom it is written.

All I know is that it's a very simple song. I was unsure if it would even work, and I'm unsure on what I tapped into to get the lyrics.

Considering the simplicity, I had doubts on whether it would work, but I've been hearing some great strings that layer and could add texture to this tune.

The lyric starts off like this:

It started with a smile, ended with a tear

I don't know how we got here/

So, my hope is that, one day soon, I'll be able to record it, whether it's part of Just A Theory or on my own.

Maybe by then, I'll have figured out the person in this song.

Here's a very short clip.

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