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  • Rich Araujo

"How do you not go crazy?" Perhaps I'm already there.

You're given a vision. You didn't ask for it. At times, you don't even want it. You've tried to let it go, push it away, toss it aside, throw it out, whatever you can to separate yourself from that melody that is stuck in your head. And every time you take that step to walk away, you see exactly what it is you're giving up and what you're embracing instead.

I refuse to merely exist. I've come to that conclusion because I know my purpose and I see how much of an impact the vision will make when it comes to fruition. And though it often seems like it would be easier to let it all go, when I really stop and think about it, it just seems utterly absurd to let go of the miraculous to embrace the mundane. I often wonder how many people are not living their purpose because they'd rather not sacrifice their comfort. Sacrificing purpose for comfort. Life is so short. I just don't understand that mentality.

"How do you not go crazy?"

That questioned was posed to me years ago as things were beginning to crumble all around me. And there have been a few times when I would ask God, "what the hell are You doing?" Now I'm guessing if this were Old Testament times, the response would be somewhere on the level of 1.21 gigawatts.

Despite the hardships, the frustrations, the delays, the obstacles and challenges, there's no better journey to take. When you see where the path leads, it doesn't make much sense to step off that path onto a dead end road, even if you've been beaten up quite a bit.

"How do you not go crazy?"

Someone asked me that many years ago. A few months ago that question came back to my mind. I smiled and thought, "Perhaps I'm already there." A few moments passed. "No. To not live your purpose. THAT would be crazy."

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