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  • Rich Araujo

Power of Presentation

My friend and business partner partner, Kimaya Sherkhan, has a business development company called Power of Presentation. A few years ago, she enlisted me to help in the creation of business plans and other aspects that help aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners get to the next level.

And I must say, we make a great team. She is great at putting together marketing strategies and is most effective in presenting concepts and plans to potential investors, and I handle the numbers, making sure they add up, and structuring the plan to make it presentable.

We knew we had something special the first time we worked together to help an entrepreneur who had nothing but a great idea. In putting together a 7 page overview, we were able to persuade a pharmaceutical company to purchase a half million dollar machine to handle the product and an investment group to offer 4 million dollars to get it rolling. Granted, it was a great idea, but in putting together a simple strategy to show potential revenue that made sense, we were able to take that idea from concept to fruition.

Over the years, we've helped 80% of our clients acquire some sort of funding. So yeah, we're pretty good.

This post is just to let you know if you know anyone that has a good idea and doesn't know what to do next, or is an entrepreneur and is hoping to start a business or a small business owner that wants to go to another level, check out her company: Power of Presentation

She is extremely pleasant to work with, is honest in her assessment of what can and what can't be done and works with many budgets, often offering payment plans.

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