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  • Rich Araujo

Labor Pains

Not being a woman, I have the good fortune of never having to experience labor pains. No descriptions and no amount of a woman's scream can adequately express the pain women endure to give birth.

I've often said that this is the perfect explanation on why men are smarter than women.

Oh oh. I've open a giant can, didn't I?

Ok, bear with me for a minute and argue against the point I will make.

This goes back to Adam and Eve. Everyone pretty much knows the story. They did something they weren't supposed to, and God said that each one now had a curse.

The man's curse was that he was going to have to work.

The woman's curse was that she was going to have to deal with labor pains and all that comes with it.

Now here's where the argument comes in that men are smarter than women.

Woman have fought long and hard to have man's curse, but you have never heard of a man asking for woman's curse.

Let the arguing begin. (Like we haven't had enough of that.)

That was just a little side point. Something with which to have a bit of fun.

But the fact is that I've had labor pains of my own. Almost 4 years ago, I was given a great idea. I could say that I had the idea, but I really believe it was God-inspired. It was like those TV shows or films where a light bulb appears over the character's head. That was it. It totally stopped me mid-sentence.

Since then, I've been given 2 other ideas, and things are moving forward in seeing each of these see the light of day.

These ideas have been described as

-lightning in a bottle



So the past few years the first idea has been in development and the past few months one of the others has been in development. If I went into detail about the obstacles and delays and the massive frustration, some of it would seem so absurd you would think I'm making it up. It has been a journey that has tested the limits of my patience. One day, I'll write all about it, and you would swear it was a work of fiction.

The first 2 ideas are close to launch, and the labor pains are enormous. I'm not talking physical pain, of course, but it's more of a concern that these delays will continue. As crazy as some of the reasons for delays have been, I'm at the point where almost nothing surprises me. Oh, a freak snow storm in Huntington Beach closed off a portion of the freeway, and because of that closure our guy missed his flight back to his office and now can't get back for another week? Again, wouldn't surprise me.

I'm on the cusp of something, something that will get the train moving. I've been laying down the tracks and assembling the vehicle for years, and it hasn't been easy. I'm looking forward to see the train begin to move, and it's very close.

At the moment, I'm relaxing on pins and needles.

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