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  • Rich Araujo

Election 2016: These are our choices?

This one was an election for the ages, and all because of one thing. It was one of the few times in American history where a majority of the country was asking the same question: These are our choices?

To many, it wasn't a case of this is who I support. It was more, this is the one that's going to do the least damage. It wasn't, "I'm going to vote for you." It was, "I'm going to vote against them."

Two very flawed individuals were America's choice to lead the country for the next four years, and here's why it's probably best that it turned out the way it did.

It's pretty much a given that Hillary is a corrupt politician who has a history of lying. And to those of you who firmly believe in her as a person, just look at what happened last night. She had a crowd of supporters, thousands of people who had been working hard for her and had spent hours at the Javits Center, waiting for her to come out and speak to them. And what does she do? She sends out Podesta to LIE to them. He told them to go home and that nothing would be confirmed until the next day, and then she calls Trump to concede not long after that. Come on folks. Do you really think she would be honest to the American people if she won't even be honest to those who supported her?

And then there's Trump. Dear God, this is the biggest wildcard we have ever seen. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if, once he gets in office, he flips the switch and says that everything he's been saying that he's for, he's now against. Bombastic, loud, crude, arrogant, and those are some of his good qualities. :)

But here's why I'm glad it turned out this way, and why I have hope that it will be fine.

If Hillary had won:

This would probably be one of the most corrupt administrations in our history, and there would be little that we, the people, could do about it. Why? Because she would have the support of the Democratic party, that would fight to retain its power, and she would have the media hiding it all. Don't believe me? If you think Trump is racist, then you should see all the racist comments she has made. And if you haven't heard of any of these comments, it just proves my point how much the media is covering her back.

With Trump winning:

I see it as a wild dog on a very tight, strong leash. He has enemies on both sides of the aisle. He does not have the total support of the Republican party, and he is certainly not going to have the media covering for him. If he tries anything that's outside the bounds of his authority, we will see both parties and the media pull that leash. This is the classic scenario of the President having to work with both sides of the aisles to get things done. But wait, you say, the Republicans have control of the House and Senate. Yes, but bear in mind that he doesn't have all their support, and even if he did, the Democrats have the numbers to stop things.

This is the best outcome for us as a country for the simple fact that it strengthens the core of how the founders set up the government: check and balances. With Clinton, there's little belief that we would have our checks and balances. But with Trump, it's almost a certainty.

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