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  • Rich Araujo

Create to Impact

It's funny that the first 5 words of the Bible is: In the beginning God created.

It almost suggests that the desire and ability to create is entwined in our DNA.

But what do we create? Or better yet, because I don't want to get into a whole spiel of who creates what and why, I'll just say what I look to create.

I have a heart for impact projects, no matter how large or small. Don't get me wrong, I like to do the fun projects from time to time, but I've turned down a fair amount of projects that I just felt that didn't line up with what I'm wanting to accomplish. If I'm going to invest time and talent, I'm looking to create something that could touch hearts and, quite possibly, change lives.

Take for instance a shoot I did about a year ago. It was originally set up to be a shoot for a client who wanted to set up a home for abused women. Well, to my knowledge, she never really followed through on her plans, but having the footage, I felt I needed to put something together, so I created this Domestic Abuse PSA.

I'm grateful for Josh Cochran and Wendy Alcala for lending their talent to do this. Big props to Josh, who is not an actor and was just doing a favor. Add to that is the fact that his character is totally contrary to what he portrayed, so he did quite well. And major props to Wendy who was able to jump in and out of character at a moment's notice. A true talent.

The truth is, I don't know if it'll help even one person. I just know that I needed to put it together in the hopes that it will help someone. So if you know anyone in a situation of being abused, and you think this might be a benefit to them, share it with them.

I know that if I'm going to create, there's gotta be a purpose, so I know this won't be the last PSA I do.

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