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  • Rich Araujo

Star Wars: A Holiday Special (I DARE YOU)

A long time ago, a movie came out and changed the movie experience forever. It captured the imagination of the audience and basically created a new model of ancillary revenue generated by movie merchandise.

Yes, Star Wars was everywhere, and because Disney paid George Lucas four billion dollars for it, it's unlikely to go away soon. We'll be seeing a new Star Wars movie every year for the foreseeable future.

But oh, how it was able to survive some fiascos. Arguably, the prequels can be perceived as one of its biggest fiascos, but that's arguably. There are some people who actually enjoy those movies, and they did manage to make money, so they didn't destroy the Star Wars universe.

Actually, the universe could have been destroyed not long after it was established.

I give you, wait, I don't give this to you, I would never have such ill feelings towards you to give something so horrific. I have too much respect for you to give you this.

I hereby present the Star Wars holiday special. It was shown once, only once, (even then, I'm not sure how anybody gave this the green light), and I believe it was 1978 when this was shown, so the year after Star Wars burst onto the scene. And believe me, this could have destroyed everything.

Very few people on this planet can lay claim to having seen it in its entirety.

I can probably make that claim, because being a kid when it was shown, I was a huge Star Wars fan, so I was watching anything that had any attachment to Star Wars. Mercifully, my childhood memories are few, so I remember seeing it, but I don't remember much about it.

So. I dare you. Try and watch this. My guess, you can't last the first half hour.

Yes, I'm daring you, maybe even double dog daring you.

The dare is presented. Even the Dreaded Triple Dog Dare. Try and watch this one sitting. No pausing, no taking a break, (well, maybe during the commercials) just try to get through this thing how it originally aired.

I couldn't do it. Didn't even come close. Try it, and give yourself a huge round of applause if you get through half. Try it. Good luck.

I know that you will spend that time with this reaction.

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