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  • Rich Araujo

In This Space

Regret & Guilt These two often go hand in hand They hunt together, one embracing you while the other chokes you

You regret the choices you made and feel guilty because, instinctually, you knew there were better options.

Trying to operate on a different level, trying to grasp a deeper Wisdom

You allowed your God-given wisdom and experience to slip from your fingers as you slid down a path you weren’t intended to walk, and you can’t overcome the guilt of the effect it had on others

While regret may or not be of God, guilt is definitely not of God.

But those are the demons you fight right now They haunt you in your loneliness They taunt you in your solitude

And yet it is in your solitude where you take solace For it is there where you know you won’t hurt another It is there where you will cause no one any pain It’s a safe space, not for you, but for those who have known you

In this space, the silence may scream But it doesn’t deafen the cries of those you let down That is a constant melody in your head A dirge that marches through your thoughts

In this space, you work to bring vision to reality Because only in that reality can you live Only in that reality can some amends be made

In this space, you remain, until you can do no harm In this space, they are safe, and, ultimately, that’s all that matters.

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